GCode tab displays currently active modal states. This tab will register and display modal states executed either from running g-code program or MDI (manual data input).
GCode tab is divided into: G-code, M-code and Other codes.
Active G-code: Displays all currently active G-codes.
Active M-Codes: Displays all currently active M-codes.
Other Codes: Displays all currently active G-codes such as F-word, S-word g-codes and current tool number.
IO state tab displays status of controllers hardware state, inputs and outputs.
Green LED indicates active state, red LED indicates inactive state.
Type of connected controller will be displayed at the beginning of controller IO LED row.
ES | This is short for E-Stop. This LED indicator lights green when controller is in E-Stop mode. |
TH | This is short for Torch Height. This LED indicator lights green when THC mode is enabled using a M54 Pn command. Indicator will function only during the NC program execution. |
SL | This is short for Soft Limits. This LED indicator lights green when soft limits are enabled via Machine/Motors,Limits,Probe/Soft Limits Enable |
LM | This is short for Limits. This LED indicator lights green when hardware limit switch inputs are enabled and considered via Machine/Motors,Limits,Probe/Hard Limits Enable or using gcode command M11 P1. |
MT | This is short for Motors. This LED indicator lights green when axis motors are enabled via: Machine/Motors,Limits,Probe/Motors Enable or using gcode command M10 P1. When E-stop mode is active, MT LED indicator turns red. |
AL | This is short for Axis Lock. This LED indicator lights green when axis is locked due to activated probe or Estop event. Axis movement is locked at direction at which axis was moving when probe or limit switch was activated. As soon as probe/limit switch input is inactive, axis lock of dedicated axis is disabled. Under Settings/Jogging user can enable Probe Lock option for motion during jogging. When enabled, in order to release the probe or limit switch and thus axis lock state, user needs to jog the axis in the opposite direction for short distance. |
ER | This is short for Error. This LED indicator lights green when controllers Error input pin is active. |
Output LED panel displays controllers Output header pin status. When output pin is active, corresponding 1-8 LED lights green.
PWM LED panel displays controllers PWM output pin duty cycle status.
Note that LED indicator for output pin 6 under Output LED row will also indicate the duty cycle status:
Input LED panel displays controllers Input header pin status. When input pin is active, corresponding 1-8 LED lights green.
Limit LED panel displays controllers Limit header pin status. When limit input pin is active, corresponding 1-9 LED lights green.
Jog LED panel displays controllers jog header pin status. When jog input pin is active, corresponding 1-8 LED lights green.
POT: This LED indicator displays jogging potentiometer input value. POT indicator resembles a progress bar, and depending on potentiometer value(rod position), indicator will display progress of pot.
S: This is short for Shift. This LED indicator lights green when Shift input is active.
A1, A2: This is short for alternative. These LED indicators light green when A1 or A2 are active.
Ctrl LED panel displays controllers CTRL header pin status. When CTRL pin is active, corresponding 1-14 LED lights green.
Aux LED panel displays controllers auxiliary analog input status.
Ext In LED panel displays controllers EXT input statuses used with SEL1 or SEL2. When ExtIn pin is active, corresponding lights green.
If you have multiple devices connected to EXT header (number of outputs > 8), you can configure the number of LED rows displayed under EXT LED panels. You can set this under File/Settings/User Interface/State/LED Ext.
Ext Out LED panel displays controllers EXT output statuses used with SEL1 or SEL2. When ExtOut pin is active, corresponding lights green.
If you have multiple devices connected to EXT header (number of outputs > 8), you can configure the number of LED rows displayed under EXT LED panels. You can set this under File/Settings/User Interface/State/LED Ext.
User state tabs can added to state panel. Each tab can include any system parameter or user created parameter. Up to 30 user tabs can be added.