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  Order of execution


  G00 - Rapid Move
  G01 - Linear Feed Move
  G02 - Clockwise Arc Feed Move
  G03 - Counter Clockwise Arc Feed Move

  G04 - Dwell

  G05 - Cubic Spline
  G05.1 - Quadratic Spline
  G05.2 - NURBS Block
  G05.3 - NURBS Block End

  G06 - Shapes Exec
  G06.1 - Shapes Clear
  G06.2 - Shapes Load
  G06.3 - Shapes Process

  G07 - Lathe Mode - Diameter
  G08 - Lathe Mode - Radius

  G09 - Stop, Sync & Set Position

  G10 - Settings

  G12 - Mill: Circular Pocket CW
  G13 - Mill: Circular Pocket CCW

  G15 - Polar Coordinate Cancel
  G16 - Polar Coordinate Enable

  G17 - XY Plane
  G18 - ZX Plane
  G19 - YZ Plane

  G20 - Inch Units
  G21 - Millimeter Units

  G28 - Go To Home
  G28.1 - Set Home
  G30 - Go To Home
  G30.1 - Set Home

  G32 - Spindle Synch Motion
  G33 - Spindle Synch Motion
  G33.1 - Spindle Synch Motion With Return

  G31 - Probe
  G38.1 - Probe
  G38.2 - Probe
  G38.3 - Probe
  G38.4 - Probe
  G38.5 - Probe

  G40 - Tool Compensation Cancel
  G41 - Tool Compensation Left
  G41.1 - Tool Compensation Dynamic Left
  G42 - Tool Compensation Right
  G42.1 - Tool Compensation Dynamic Right

  G43 - Tool Offset+ Enable
  G43.1 - Tool Offset+ Enable
  G44 - Tool Offset- Enable
  G44.1 - Tool Offset- Enable
  G49 - Tool Offset Cancel

  G50 - Axes Scale Cancel
  G51 - Axes Scale Enable

  G52 - Axes Offset
  G52.1 - Axes Offset Cancel

  G53 - Machine Coordinate System

  G54 - Coordinate System 1
  G54.1 - Coordinate System P
  G55 - Coordinate System 2
  G56 - Coordinate System 3
  G57 - Coordinate System 4
  G58 - Coordinate System 5
  G59 - Coordinate System 6 (or P)
  G59.1 - Coordinate System 7
  G59.2 - Coordinate System 8
  G59.3 - Coordinate System 9

  G61 - Blend Cancel
  G64 - Blend Enable

  G65 - Call Macro

  G68 - Axes Rotate Enable
  G69 - Axes Rotate Cancel

  G70 - Inch Units
  G71 - Millimeter Units

  G72 - Mill: Facing
  G72.1 - Mill: Profile
  G72.2 - Mill: Pocket

  G73 - Drill: Drill, Speed Peck, Dwell
  G74 - Tap: Left
  G75 - Turn: Pattern Repeating
  G76 - Turn: Threading
  G77 - Turn: Roughing X
  G78 - Turn: Roughing Z
  G79 - Turn: Grooving

  G80 - Cancel Motion

  G81 - Drill: Drill
  G82 - Drill: Drill, Dwell
  G83 - Drill: Drill, Peck, Dwell
  G84 - Tap: Right
  G85 - Bore: Feed In, Feed Out
  G86 - Bore: Feed In, Spindle Stop, Rapid Out, Spindle Start
  G87 - Bore: Feed In, Spindle Reverse, Rapid Out, Spindle Reverse
  G88 - Bore: Feed In, Spindle Stop, Feed Out, Spindle Start
  G89 - Bore: Feed In, Spindle Reverse, Feed Out, Spindle Reverse

  G90 - Distance Mode - Absolute
  G90.1 - Distance Mode - IJK Absolute
  G90.2 - Distance Mode - ABC Absolute
  G91 - Distance Mode – Incremental
  G91.1 - Distance Mode - IJK Incremental
  G91.2 - Distance Mode - ABC Incremental

  G92 - Working Offset
  G92.1 - Working Offset Set

  G93 - Feed Mode - Inverse Time
  G94 - Feed Mode - Units per Minute
  G95 - Feed Mode - Units per Revolution

  G96 - Spindle Mode - CSS
  G97 - Spindle Mode - RPM

  G98 - Cycle Return - Initial Z Point
  G99 - Cycle Return - R Point


Other Codes







G17 - XY Plane

Set XY plane. Planes are used with arcs, circles and cycles.

G17 is a G-code used to select the XY plane for the G02 and G03 commands. It is used to specify that the circular interpolation is to be performed in the XY plane. This is the default plane for circular interpolation and is usually used for operations such as drilling or boring.

G18, G19 are other codes used to select different planes for circular interpolation. G18 selects the XZ plane and G19 selects the YZ plane.

For example, G17 G03 X10 Y5 Z0 I0 J0 K1 F100 would move the tool in a counter-clockwise arc in the XY plane, with the center of the arc at coordinates (0,0), ending at coordinates (10,5), at a feed rate of 100 units per minute.







See also

G18, G19

gcode/gcodes/gcode-g17.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/25 21:41 by

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