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Under 'Connection' tab you can set type of connection used for controller communication, computers network adapter IP number, primary controller selection and other motion controller based information.


PlanetCNC motion controllers can use USB or Ethernet type of communication, depending on controller. Mk3 supports both USB and Ethernet, while Mk3/4, Mk3DRV and Mk3ECO controllers support only USB communication.


When USB option is enabled, device list will be populated only with controller(s) that are connected to PC via USB port.

Device list provides user with basic controller info: USB, PlanetCNC Mk3, Serial: 155

  • USB: Type of connection
  • PlanetCNC MkXX: Version of PlanetCNC controller
  • Serial: Serial number of controller

If you highlight controller, you will be able to see additional info of controller (Info and Path bars will appear):

  • Info: Controllers firmware version(Version:).
  • Path: VID(Vendor ID) and PID(Product ID) number.
  • Path numbers represent USB connection port hierarchy.


When Network option is enabled, controller list will be populated only with controller(s) that are connected with PC via network cable or are connected to network.

Device list provides user with basic controller info: NET, PlanetCNC MK3, Serial: 1300

  • NET: Type of connection
  • PlanetCNC Mk3, Mk34: Version of PlanetCNC controller
  • Serial: Serial number of controller

When you highlight controller, you will be able to see additional info of controller (Info, IP, Mask, MAC and DHCP bars will appear):

  • Info: Controllers firmware version(Version: 20170406).
  • IP: IP number of motion controller.
  • Mask: Network mask
  • MAC: MAC address of controller
  • DHCP option: Enables DHCP

USB & Network

If both, USB and Network options are enabled, controller list will be populated with controllers that are connected with PC via USB and Ethernet.

Adapter IP

Your computer is able to use numerous network adapters, which means your controller can be connected with computer trough any of them. Here you can insert your computers dedicted network adapter IP number.

Primary Controller

Primary controller is controller which we select and assign as our main controller device. Primary controller is controller that will control CNC machine. To assign controller as your primary controller you need to double click on it from the controller list.

You will notice that Primary Controller bar now displays your selected controller. IMPORTANT: Selecting primary controller is necessary in order to control your CNC machine.

tng/settings/settings-connection.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/08 10:23 by andrej

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