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Use of shortcuts can greatly reduce time when configuring machine for certain job and overall helps with more fluent work with PlanetCNC TNG. You can set keyboard shortcuts for program features included in File, View, Program, Machine and Help menus. Jogging set of shortcuts is also available. With PlanetCNC TNG you can map your controller digital inputs to manipulate desired features, such as work positions etc..

You can set Code, MDI and Pin shortcuts for specific Action.


Here are listed all features that are included in File, View, Program, Machine and Help menus. Actions are organized in chapters: File, View, Program, Machine and Help.


Here you can set unique code for each selected Action. This can be either one single code (for example keyboard key for letter S as shortcut code for Action: Settings; settings dialogue will open when we press keyboard key S) or combination of multiple keyboard keys (for example combinations of keyboard keys Shift +T).

Example:Let say we want to create code for showing Machine/Tools/Edit Tool Table dialog. Find Edit Tool Table in Machine section of Action chapter and enter desired MDI shortcode: E.g.: Shift + T


Sets unique MDI code for specific Action.

Example:Let say we want to create MDI shortcode for showing Log panel. Find Show Log in Help section of Action chapter and enter desired MDI shortcode: E.g.: Log

When you try to execute desired MDI code from MDI window you need to insert symbol “/” before MDI code and click enter:


You can map your controllers digital input to activate specific Action.

Example:Let say we want to map digital input 1 of controller to action Start. Find Start in Machine section of Action chapter and under pin select Input 1 from the drop down menu. When digital input is active, action mapped to that input will execute.

Controllers digital input 1 is set to execute Start action:

tng/settings/settings-shortcuts.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/10 14:50 by planetcnc

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