
User Interface

User interface is divided into separate panels:

  • Menu panel
  • Toolbar panel
  • Position panel
  • Speed panel
  • State panel
  • Jog panel
  • 3D display panel
  • G-code panel
  • Utilities panel

User can configure parameters of each segment, independently.


Each panel of user interface uses multiple color parameters (for Text, Button, Label etc…). These color parameters can be set for each panel independently or by using “smart” color generator. Color generator uses algorithm which calculates suitable color shades based on the Main color. In such case user does not need to waste any time configuring suitable color combinations that would give him desired and useful color scheme.


Based on Main color, color generator will generate and adjust suitable color shades of all color parameters of all panels.

Star shaped button will open color palette, from which user selects main color:

Color palette dialog offers user to select main color using color picker or RGB parameter sliders.

In order to confirm new matching color scheme for all panel, user needs to click Match Other button.


Background color of user interface. This color can be set automatically using color generator or using color palette.


Outline color of segments. This color can be set automatically using color generator or using color palette.


Text color of segments. This color can be set automatically using color generator or using color palette.


User interface can use skins. Skin is an image which will be used as a main pattern/theme for all segments. You can load desired skin using browse button. Skin files are located in Skin folder of PlanetCNC TNG profile folder.

Reset(Dark) ; Reset(Light) ; Match Other buttons

User can match or reset main color theme.

Reset Dark button will reset the color scheme to appropriate darker tones of colors. Reset Light button will reset the color scheme to appropriate lighter tones of colors. Match Other button confirms new proposed main color and generates scheme color for all panels.


Font scale

Scale factor of text used in user interface, such as settings text, hover text, state panel title text etc… User can increase the text value for better readability. Useful for use with touchscreen displays.

Font scale set to 1:

Font scale set to 1.5:


Defines distance between neighboring panels and between limiters within the panels.


Gap value set to 4:

Gap value set to 16:

Outline radius

Defines corner radius of panels.


Outline Radius set to 6:

Outline Radius set to 18:

Outline Thickness

Defines panel outline thickness.


Outline Thickness set to 1.2:

Outline Thickness set to 3.5:

Refresh Rate

This parameter sets user interface display refresh time. Value inserted is time in milliseconds, time after displayed PlanetCNC TNG interface will refresh.

Line Limit

This parameter sets max number of program g-code lines that can be loaded into PlanetCNC TNG software. Toolpath will be displayed only to the point of last g-code line loaded. Note that even if g-code program is not loaded and tool path is not displayed completely, software will still execute program in its entirety.

Time Limit

Value inserted is time in seconds after which PlanetCNC TNG software stops loading of g-code program. Note that even if g-code program is not loaded and tool path is not displayed completely, software will still execute program in its entirety.

Loop Limit

Value inserted is number of loops (used as o-word subroutines e.g.: While/Endwhile, Repeat) after which PlanetCNC TNG software stops loading of g-code program. Note that even if g-code program is not loaded and tool path is not displayed completely, software will still execute program in its entirety.

Run Time Correction

Value inserted is factor which helps with approximation of job run-time evaluation that is displayed at the bottom right corner of PlanetCNC TNG main window.


Configures dialog forms and buttons.

Native File Dialogs

Menu items located under 'File' menu can be displayed in your computers native OS form or in PlanetCNC TNG software form. Click Enable button to enable use of Native File Dialogs.

Native File Dialogs enabled:

Native File Dialogs disabled:

Dialog Options

OK/Cancel: Program feature dialog will use OK and Cancel buttons. OK button confirms parameter configuration and closes the dialog. Changes to the program will be made after you click Redraw from Program menu. Cancel button closes dialog. No changes will be made.


Apply/Close: Program feature dialog will use Apply and Close buttons. Apply button confirms parameter configuration. Changes to the program will be made after you close the dialog and click Redraw from Program menu. If Auto Redraw is enabled, changes to the program will be made instantly after Apply button clicked. Close button closes dialog. No changes will be made.



Spindle Command

Native: When Spindle On/Off button from toolbar is used, software uses default M3 g-code behavior.

Uses M-code: When Spindle On/Off button from toolbar is used, software uses M3 g-code script behavior.

Coolant Command

Native: When Coolant On/Off buttons from toolbar are used, software uses default M7,M8 g-code behavior.

Uses M-code: When Coolant On/Off buttons from toolbar are used, software uses M7,M8 g-code script behavior.

Auto Redraw

On Program Cmd: If any program changes were made using Program menu dialogs, this parameter, when enabled, will automatically reload changes after Program dialog is closed.

On Machine Cmd: If any program changes were made using Machine menu dialogs, this parameter, when enabled, will automatically reload changes after Machine dialog is closed.

tng/settings/settings-user_interface.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/08 10:23 by andrej

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